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Borderline Personality Disorder: A Literature Review The history of BPD can be traced back to when Adolph Stern first described the symptoms of the disorder as neither being psychotic nor psychoneurotic; hence, the term ‘borderline’ was introduced (National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, , p. 15) · In this article, we review the literature and provide a practical and evidence-based approach to the management of borderline personality disorder. A summary of the evidence used in this review is found in Box 1. We based our review primarily on findings from randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses · 1. Introduction. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a chronic psychiatric disorder characterized by pervasive patterns of affective instability, self-image disturbances, instability of interpersonal relationships, marked impulsivity, and suicidal behavior (suicidal ideation and attempt) causing significant impairment and distress in individual’s life []

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Borderline Personality Disorder: A Literature Review Essay. Words7 Pages. The history of BPD can be traced back to when Adolph Stern first described the symptoms of the disorder as neither being psychotic nor psychoneurotic; hence, the term ‘borderline’ was introduced (National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, , p. 15) · In this article, we review the literature and provide a practical and evidence-based approach to the management of borderline personality disorder. A summary of the evidence used in this review is found in Box 1. We based our review primarily on findings from randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses · Borderline personality disorder is a mental illness characterized by a repetitive pattern of disorganization and irresolution in self-conception, interpersonal relationships, mood, and demeanor. The instability associated with this disorder is often disruptive to the individual 's personal and professional life, long term goals, and self identity

1. Introduction
Borderline Personality Disorder: A Literature Review Essay. Words7 Pages. The history of BPD can be traced back to when Adolph Stern first described the symptoms of the disorder as neither being psychotic nor psychoneurotic; hence, the term ‘borderline’ was introduced (National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, , p. 15) Abstract Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is one of the most common, complex, costly, and severely impairing personality disorders, affecting Abstract Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious mental disorder associated with severe emotional, behavioral, cognitive and interpersonal Estimated Reading Time: 11 mins

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Borderline Personality Disorder: A Literature Review The history of BPD can be traced back to when Adolph Stern first described the symptoms of the disorder as neither being psychotic nor psychoneurotic; hence, the term ‘borderline’ was introduced (National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, , p. 15) Abstract Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious mental disorder associated with severe emotional, behavioral, cognitive and interpersonal Estimated Reading Time: 11 mins Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD): In the Midst of Vulnerability

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Borderline personality has been, for many years, a discredited diagnostic concept. In a review of the literature concluded that its validity status was very uncertain. The authors have reviewed research conducted since then and discuss it in terms of the Robins & Guze () criteria. In spite of existing unclear issues, the balance is tipping This paper provides a critical review of the existing literature and research on borderline personality disorder. First, there will be an introduction about Diagnostic Statistical Manual 4th Edition criteria and characteristics Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD): In the Midst of Vulnerability
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